Göğüs Kanseri ve Plastik Şişe ilşkisi
LÜTFEN ÖZELLİKLE EŞİ, KIZ ARKADASI YADA KIZI OLAN TUM ARKADASLARIMIZA ILETELIM. Sonuna kadar okuyun! Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins Universitesinden kanser raporu This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well. Bu dokuman Walter Reed Army Medical Center tarafindan da dagitilmaktadir. Bottled water in your car is very dangerous . Arabanizda bulunduracaginiz plastik su sisesindeki su cok tehlikelidir. This is how Sheryl Crow got breast cancer. She was on the Ellen show and said this same exact thing. This has been identified as the most common cause of the high levels in breast cancer, especially in Australia . Plastik su siseleri Sheryl Crow'un gogus kanseri olmasinin en buyuk nedenidir. Plastik siseler ozellikle Avustralia da yuksek sayida gorulen gogus...